Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Team Dublin
For the past three days the Dublin team has been letterboxing “4 You” magazines and New Testaments to many homes in Shankhill and the Shanghana area during the morning hours. After lunch we have been going door to door talking to people about the Lord and how the Bible says we can know that we have eternal life.

Many conversations have been very in depth and have shown that there is an interest in spiritual things in Ireland despite the fact that the general population recently have been turned off the Catholic church. They are so against Catholicism that they are almost ready to throw out all religion. Most people become very intrigued when they hear about our certainty of our own salvation.

On one occasion Matt and Heidi spoke to a girl named Ciara about eternal life and she was so amazed by their faith and certainty of their salvation, even though they are young. She was very interested about the meeting in Shankhill and even came to the prayer meeting that same night. Heidi had the chance to go back to her the next day and develop a friendship. They get along so well we cannot doubt that the Lord has His hand in it.

Similarly Preveen and Suzy were invited into The Fitzpatrick’s home to discuss Jesus Christ and many other spiritual things for over two hours. There were many great questions asked and the gospel was clearly given and although the Fitzpatricks had things to do, they all stayed the whole time and listened and talked.

Many occurrences like this have happened throughout our week in Shankhill to which we thank God that we have been instruments of his will.
We are also thankful that the Bible we were waiting for (which we were told wouldn’t be here for another three weeks) arrived today!

Secondly we are thankful that the weather has been unexpectedly sunny and beautiful with very little rain. We would like to ask for prayer in following up on people who were interested as we went door to door.


Door-to-door distribution.

Kids club.

Kids club.

Team Newcastle West
Wednesday we had a wonderful day on the doors. Although many were not home, many of those that were, were willing to talk.

Please pray for Hilda and Miriam, two ladies Brian Aggett and Rachel De Lazzer spoke with on Wednesday on the same street. Both seemed genuinely interested in the Scriptural truth we shared with them. Pray that the seeds of the Word would not be snatched away. We returned to do doors in the evening Wednesday night and found many people home.

Today we continued with door-to-door work and had yet another successful kids club. That will be the last kids club we have this week until we head to Dublin on Monday. Please pray that the children remember the Bible stories and memory verses we taught them.

We just finished the Thursday evening Bible study. We praise the Lord that a man named Steve came out to the meeting whom Mylene Lavoie and Brian Aggett met on the doors this week. We believe he is saved but had nowhere to fellowship. Please pray for his growth and that he would continue to come.

We head to Limerick tomorrow for open-air work.