Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday at Believers Bible Assembly in Kumasi


Now we know why it is called the "rainy season"

Sunday school singing a song

“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee” Psalm 63:1
It was great for us once more to be able to worship the Lord this morning with believers in Kumasi, in the way that He has instructed us to do.  Led by the Holy Spirit the theme of God’s Love was the connecting thread as brothers led the saints during the worship service.
We praise the Lord that among those visiting were people with whom team members had some form of contact during the evangelism outreach of the previous days. Please continue pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin and they will come to know the Lord as their personal Savior.
As a form of testimony to the neighborhood in which the Assembly is located, Sunday school began with a short open air meeting outside the gates of Brother Daniel W. home.  Team members are becoming more proficient in singing choruses in the Twi language which has proven to be a blessing to the Ghanaians who hear it.
Sunday school continued with teachers assisting the students to understand the concept that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed to take away sin and that is the only way to heaven. Ghanaians are very ‘religious’ but their pervading responses to the question of how to get to heaven are the following ‘by ‘doing good’ or ‘being righteous’.  Pray that they will discern the truth of God’s plan of salvation.
Craig presented the message during the Family Bible Hour and exorted the saints to rejoice in the Lord and sing unto Him a new song (Psalm 33:1-8.)
Lord’s Day activities continued with a Women’s Bible Study of 1 John, led by Lori, on Seven signs that indicate we are in Christ.
Our afternoon activity continued with a picnic to Truba Lake where we enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation. On the way there team members sang the favorite Ghanaian ‘Traveling Song’ and distributed gospel literature. The heat of the Ghanaian sun turned into ‘showers of blessing’ as we were thoroughly drenched by heavy showers on the return home. This unexpected turn of events was immensely enjoyed by everyone and allowed us to enjoy a time of fellowship through caring and sharing that could only have been God’s plan for the evening.  It was noticeable that this was the only day that the showers would have prevented us from doing a gospel outreach in the neighborhood but through God’s divine guidance other activities were scheduled. Events like these help us to remember that GOD IS IN CONTROL and we are only His servants.
On our return to the house we were treated to a local meal of kokoo also known as red-red (fried plantains) bayere ( fried yams) bean sauce and rice prepared by Daniel W. ‘Ghanaian sons.’ DELICIOUS!  We thank God for His blessings as we seek to serve Him.