Monday, May 23, 2011


Our day began with a team morning meeting. We spent time in prayer, praise, in the word, and one of our team members shared their testimony. Its great to get together before the day starts to dedicate the day to God and ask him to be in control of each situation we will have with the Irish people that day.
Then we set out to small towns surrounding New Castle West to deliver more ''4You'' magazines.

This afternoon some of the team went door-to-door to spread the gospel to different neighbourhoods
in New Castle West. Fortunately, most of the door-to-door experiences were better than the last time.
At one door, two team members spoke to one man who believed his good works and regular church
attendance would get him to heaven. They questioned his strategy with what the bible says, and after
about a 15 minute conversation, the team members left the man contemplating the gospel and holding
a book entitled ''Ultimate Questions''.

The other team members took part in a kids club this afternoon. There was about seven to eight kids with whom
we had the opportunity to teach a bible lesson, sing songs, play games, and teach a bible verse.
The lesson was well received and the kids seemed to enjoy themselves.

As far as praise reports: We are thankful for the successful door-to-door evangelism today and for the seed
of the gospel that was planted.

Prayer requests:
- That people receive the gospel well during door-to-door tomorrow.
- That the kids club goes well tomorrow.
- Pray for good weather! Sun and heat. :)
- Pray for energy and joy for the team.
