Friday, May 25, 2012

As reported yesterday the team along with several 1st generation assemblies will be distributing 40,000 copies of the 4YOU Gospel Magazine over the next month or so. Topical and relevant articles grounded in the gospel  and featured in this year's issue include: "The End - Where Do We Go From Here"; "Viva La Difference" - Love & Marriage Tips; "Loneliness"; "Imagine There's a Heaven"; EURO 2012 - June's European soccer championship; and "Losing My Religion". Each copy also makes a free offer of Bibles, courses, books, CDs and DVDs. 

PRAISE the Lord for His faithful provision so these magazines with their message of hope could go out. As the seed is sown we need to water the seed so please PRAY.

If you would like to read this magazine online go to: .

Hello again!
Our day starting with picking up the last member (Jen Nygaard) of the team at Dublin Airport from there we then went onto to Bunratty Castle and got to see how people in rural Ireland used to live.  The team then left and headed onto Newcastle West, co Limerick.  On arrival we have got situated into our lovely apartments and then proceeded to NCW prayer meeting and bible study.  The Assembly had a  guest speaker Noel who gave a great report of the work he is involved with  – Postal Bible School,  and also updated the fellowship of the work they are doing in his Assembly in Drum, County Cavan.
The team is settling in to their temporary residence and is preparing for the week of ministry ahead of them including magazine delivery and door-to-door evangelism.
It’s a real blessing for this young team to have the experience of working with the locals of NCW and being able to serve the Lord wherever and whenever He calls.
Prayer would be appreciated as this is most of the team’s first experience with this kind of outreach, a combination of excitement and nervousness is in every one of the team members’ hearts as the true purpose of the trip is at hand.

Many blessings in the Lord,