Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday update

 The door to door teams! Yes baby went too

Kassi- "This water is salty" 
Nathan and Jen- "It's the ocean!!" 

Today we were blessed with a few extra hands from the Shankill assembly. Regina, Nadina, Grace, Pat, and Liam all came out to help us deliver magazines and do some door to door work. Because of the extra help we were able to letterbox almost the entire town. We have a few streets left, but we should be able to finish it up tomorrow morning. After delivering magazines we had a great time of fellowship over lunch complete with sunday afternoon leftovers. 

Door to door work was good, with all the people we had 4 teams to cover the town with. Nathan and Jen had a good conversation with a gardener named Michael. He first asked what religion they were and they replied they were born again Christian. He said was not interested and they walked away. Upon walking back up the street he stopped them and asked "What does born again mean?" It provided a great opportunity and they were able to share the Gospel with him. Ben and Regina had a few good conversations including one with a German lady who became more open when Regina spoke to her in German. She agreed to have another look at the magazine. Another was with a man named Stephen, who said he was a believer, but is unsure about some things in the BIble, he said he would try and make it to the meeting. Kassi and Liam had a good conversation with a lady named Roshien, who father had just had a stroke. She was thinking a lot about spiritual things and said she was going to read the magazine and also read it to her father in the hospital. Bethany and Nadina were able to share the Gospel briefly with a couple of people. 

After doors the team headed over to the Gleeson's home for dinner. Dinner was good with good fellowship and of course watching the latest football match. After the match the team took a walk on the coast of the Irish Sea where Nathan, Kassi, and Jen decided to jump in yet again. They reported that the water was warmer than the last time they jumped in.

Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for us as we finish the last leg on the trip. Please pray for the people that we spoke with today that God would be working on their heart. Please pray that the weather will hold and not rain on Wednesday when we plan to have a Kid's Club. 

Tnt Teams

Further update from TNT Ghana 2012C

Choir led by Craig,Esther,Heidi,Bethany,Meghan and Lisa

Esther and Bethany with some S.School students

Meghan with more kids

Lori with some younger children

We enjoyed a time of remembering the Lord with the Bible Fellowship in Ghana. It was lovely to realize again that God gave His one and only beloved Son for our sin.
The team choir led by Craig sang 2 songs for the assembly during the Bible hour, which they seemed to very much like. Bethany , Esther, Laurie, Megan,, Lisa, Brian, Bruce, Jerry, Heidi, and Cisley all helped to do the Sunday School classes on the theme of the Wordless Book , making up felt books to give the children as a reminder of the lesson. There were many children divided into 3 classes of about 20-25 children per group. The younger classes were age 4-7 yrs. , while the next group was ages 8-12 and the teen group was ages 12-14 yrs. Any who were 15 or older joined in the adult meeting. The children were a joy to teach as they were both enthusiastic and well behaved.
The team cooked a nice lunch/supper of chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches shared with the Ghanian people who had remained behind and the boys that live with Daniel Webster. One of Daniel’s boys , Prince was feeling well enough to join us for the meal, after being down with an attack of malaria. This disease is as common among the Ghanian people as the flu is to us in North America. They all get it at some time or other with recurrent attacks throughout their lives .
In the evening we heard from 3 of the elders in the meeting who gave us a history of Ghana and an overview of their culture and the work of the assembly here in Kumasi It was very good for us to know these things that will help us reach the Ghanian people with the gospel more effectively.
Daniel also shared about the culture and what we could expect as we go out to evangelize. The Ghanian people are very friendly and are often willing to take literature and to speak with us. Tim spoke to us about how to clearly explain the gospel message. Tomorrow , we will all go out into the area to do some evangelism and look forward to what the Lord will do both for them and in ourselves.