Saturday, May 26, 2012

Our first day at Newcastle West was a busy one. After morning devotions we began distributing the Irish 4you magazines. The team worked hard and we were able to get out around 2,000 magazines today. We still have a lot more to go, but we’re off to a good start. We had many interesting encounters while out in the neighborhood, but only a couple negative responses and one man in pink underwear watering his flowers.
During distribution Jen ended up in a good conversation with an elderly Catholic lady. The magazine was a good conversation starter and the lady was very interested. She asked many good questions such as “Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?” and “How can I know for sure I’m going to heaven.” Her name is Mary and we were able to give her a Bible to read as she did not have one. Please pray for Mary who is searching for the certainty and peace that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow we will be finishing up distribution in the morning. In the afternoon, we will be doing some street evangelism in the town square.
-Please pray for those who are receiving the magazines
-Pray for Sinead, who has recently started coming to the assembly, that the Spirit will continue the work He’s begun and she’ll get saved.  
-Pray for the team as they do street evangelism as this will be a first time experience for many of them.

Working because we love the Lord!
Tnt teams