Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday morning we gathered with the saints at Newcastle West Bible Fellowship to remember the Lord. Linda, Jerry and Bethany helped in the Sunday School, while the kids listened intently. Nathan and Ben had the opportunity to speak in the Family Bible Hour. They both themed their messages around Genesis 22: 1-13.

After the Family Bible Hour the team enjoyed a fellowship lunch with the rest of the believers of Newcastle West Bible Fellowship. After lunch, the team headed out to Broadford, Ashford, and a couple of tiny villages to distribute 4you Ireland magazines. Along the way between Broadford and Ashford the team stopped at a mass rock and a bog. A mass rock is a holy place for the Catholics. During the late 1700s, the ruling body at the time said it was illegal to perform a mass. Devote Catholics would meet at the rock in secret, to have mass- hence the name mass rock. Tim had the opportunity to witness to a gentleman who was passing by. He told Tim that a priest had been assassinated at the mass rock for performing the wedding of a protestant and a catholic.

After the distribution of more magazines, the team headed over to Andrew Shanks house for supper, a time of singing and prayer.         

Working because we love the Lord!
Tnt teams

Saturday we started our day with devotions  then we finished the magazine distribution in Newcastle West  in the morning and heading in the afternoon  to Limerick for open-air ministry.
Nathan and Ben took turns with Tim and Colin on the sketch board while Jerry demonstrated his lunar sticks and Jen, Bethany, Linda & Kassi sang praise songs accompanied by Ben or Bethany on the guitar.           
We passed out children’s packs containing comics about John Harper, a pastor who died in the titanic tragedy, pencils and candy.  There were several good conversations with different individuals who got to hear the gospel. Most people walking by were interested in the sketch board, we also passed out a bunch of tracts , the most popular being the “Million Dollar Bills”  - people seemed to like money the best ;-)
We were right by the Shannon River which was a bonus! After we were done we went  for a walk down the river to see the siege castle before heading off to supper with the Burnetts and Shanks’.  After good food and fellowship we headed home. As you can see from the pictures posted before it was a lovely day out for both letter-boxing and the open-air ministry.
Please pray for all those who received the magazines & tracts, and for those who witnessed the sketch boards, that they would think about what they have heard and or read.  We Praise the Lord for these opportunities to share His gospel.