Friday, June 11, 2010

Pictures from Waterford and Tramore

Victor and Heidi discussing Islam and sharing the gospel with some young men from Lebanon, in Waterford City Centre.
Josh (above) and Victor (below) sharing from the Word at the Waterford Christian Assembly midweek meeting.

Our accommodations in Tramore.

Trip to Waterford and Street evangelism

Yesterday (Thursday), the team set out from Dublin after a light breakfast and headed down to Waterford. We arrived just after 12 noon and touched base with David Wilson, who brought us up to speed as to the work that will be taking place over the course of the next five days. After a much needed time of rest, the team headed over to Waterford Christian Assembly for the Thursday night prayer meeting. After a time of prayer, Victor and Josh both shared from the word. Victor spoke on the importance of Christian character in our witness, and Josh talked about the eternal security of a believer.

Today (Friday) began with breakfast and a devotion led by David on 1 Thessalonians, after which the team headed out to begin the job of delivering the 4You magazine to the Waterford area. After lunch the team headed out to Waterford city centre to begin some rather informal street evangelism, approaching people going about their business in the downtown core with tracts and literature, and striking up conversations while they were at it. The team was in good spirits with the number of good contacts and good conversations that were had pertaining to the gospel. Two Lebanese muslims in particular conversed with Heidi and Victor for well over an hour, and the talk left for good grounds for follow up. As Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest for the Waterford downtown core, the team plans, God willing, on returning to the same place tommorow and continuing their work there. Pray for boldness and endurance for the team members as they approach people in the streets, and as the trip winds down to its last four days of ministry work on Irish soil. Pray for the houses to which the magazines were delivered and that hearts would be opened up to the glorious news of the Gospel!

-Josh George, filling in for Brian Kramer