Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hello from Dublin! The TnT team is almost all here! Since the 21st the team members have been arriving; Nathan Bolton arriving on Monday morning, Tim, Linda and Jerry Hood arriving Monday evening. Then Bethany Scheer and Kassandra Juhlke arrived Tuesday morning and Ben Daniel arrived that evening. These two days were spent mostly getting resources and training organized and recovering from sleep deprivation and jet-lag though both evenings team members experienced the hospitality of local Irish believers. Wednesday (today) was the beginning of the real orientation and introduction to public evangelism, with strong emphasis on door-to-door, paint-board and personal testimony. Jim Moriarity helped Tim run scenarios with the team and explain some of the possible difficulties the team will encounter. The team seemed to keep up despite still being tired from the traveling and the time changes. Ben actually had a chance to witness to an unbeliever while practicing paint-board; he only found out after finishing that she was not a Christian! That was a joy, blessing an encouragement so early on. Again tonight the team experienced the hospitality and fellowship of the believers here in Shankill, and it was a marvelous way to finish off the 3 days of orientation and preparation. Tomorrow morning the team leaves early for New Castle West. On the way they will be picking up the final member of the team, Jen Nygaard, who arrives at Dublin airport in the early morning. From there the team will continue on to NCW and will be stopping in Bunratty to experience some Irish history. The weather has continued held true to it's forecast, being pleasant and sunny with temperatures in the mid-late teens (Degrees Celsius), the team is hoping for this weather to continue just a little longer. Please keep the team members in prayer, and the continued work here in Ireland; both by the local believers and outreaches. So far the team has been staying at Shankill Bible Church's facility with Frank Carolan arranging most of the logistics. Keep in prayer also, all the men and women who make TnT possible and arrange all the logistics of this work. In the Lord TnTTeams