Sunday, May 22, 2011

Debut at Ireland fair

The Irish people are very cordial, but it has been difficult to engage them in personal conversations relating to anything spiritual. Yesterday was our first day of door-to-door ministry, and although there were a few good conversations with people, it was pretty frustrating.

This morning, we sang special music at church, and three team members taught the children's Sunday school class. After lunch, we attended an Irish fair to help with the church's booth (face painting, handing out literature, etc.). Near the end, we had a chance to sing for everyone--a band playing/singing for most of the fair gave us some time with the microphones, so we had our Ireland debut :).

Praise the Lord that Jordan encountered a man yesterday who was very interested in the gospel magazine we were distributing.
Please pray for dry weather and continued strength. We have very busy, long days and need a lot of energy to work well together.
