Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bookstall in NCW

The bookstall provided people with a free assortment of Christian literature that presents the gospel and keeps the focus of salvation on Jesus Christ alone.

The work continues in Newcastle West

We started the day (Saturday) off with another team devotion by Colin and prayer. Directly after breakfast half of the team delivered 'Ireland 4You' magazines to the rest of the town (total of about 2,500 magazines) while others began doing door-to-door ministry, returning to the homes where magazines were 'letterboxed' yesterday. Meanwhile, Andy and Ernie set up a NCW Bible Fellowship bookstall in the middle of town. These various activities provided team members many opportunities to present the gospel to people and tell them about the local fellowship. All of the team members began doing door to door work in the afternoon.

Door-to-door in Newcastle West

Josh and Joan head out to knock on doors in an estate (subdivision) on Saturday afternoon.

Although not everyone that we talked to today accepted the truth, we were encouraged by the few who were genuinely receptive.

A couple of examples of today's contacts:
Heidi and Brian had the opportunity to share Christ with a young lady in her 20s. The lady had previously heard about our group, and she was aware of what we were doing. So at first the lady didn't really want to open up. But Brian and Heidi were able to share their testimonies with her. The lady agreed to look at the magazine and contact someone from the assembly if she ever changed her mind or had questions.

An ex-soldier (field engineer) invited Josh and Joan in for a conversation that lasted for over an hour. He was raised Catholic, knows the Bible but hasn't taken it seriously. But he was very receptive, and took the literature they offered, as he likes to read. Opportunities like this were a big encouragement to several of our team members who have never before knocked on doors to share the gospel.