Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ron's Message to the Team

Dear 2012 TnT'rs

It has been a great encouragement for me personally to read and hear firsthand how the Lord has used you as a team to present and represent the Lord Jesus Christ in Ireland and to encourage and build up His church.

Even though I wasn’t involved directly with the team this year while you were in Ireland, please know from all the reports I’ve received, the team has been successful. You have accomplished the good work of evangelism as you have distributed the magazines and "The Mass" booklet, and personally been a witness at the doors, on the street, and at the kids clubs. While it is the Lord who will reward you, I want to personally express our thanks to you for being willing to take the steps of faith that brought you to Ireland in the first place and the ones you’ve had to take day by day while you’ve been there.

The Lord Jesus told His disciples in John 15:16, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit -- fruit that will last.” As we know from the context this verse doesn’t speak about salvation but rather of serving the Saviour. I trust that you have truly sensed that it was indeed the Lord who led you to get involved this year. I trust that as you obeyed the Lord in going with the gospel throughout that you have been encouraged by the immediate and visible fruit that you have seen. Please know that the greater fruit of all this serving and sowing, the “fruit that will last”, will only be really understood and appreciated as it’s revealed to you in eternity.

And as I’ve already said, it is the Lord who will bring His abundant reward for faithful service and eternal fruit with Him. In the meanwhile, I trust you already have a sense of being rewarded not only through the response to the work you have done, but also through the relationships you have experienced with your fellow team members, Irish believers and the missionaries.

I trust you had a memorable last night together with each other, the saints and the missionaries. As you return to your homes remember to water with prayer all the seed that has been sown trusting the Lord for the increase. As you return to your home assemblies, recount with joy the good work the Lord has accomplished in you and through you and don’t discount the possibility that you might be called upon to provide fresh vision and leadership for evangelism in your area. Don’t forget to thank those who faithfully supported and prayed for you. As they have expressed their partnership with you, be sure to share with them the results of that faithfulness.

Again, my thanks to each one of you for your participation in the 2012 TnT Team outreach.

Every blessing

PS   The photo of the Yorkshire puddings made my mouth water! You'd think Matt and Frank almost know what they're doing.

Last update! Kid's club and Farewell banquet

 Kid's club playing with the parachute
 Kid's club
 Kassi leading singing at Kid's club
 More singing
 Jen doing the rope trick for the kids
 Bethany telling the wordless book story at Kid's club
 Little miss Rose Gleeson
 Our fabulous chefs Frank and Matt
 Farewell Banquet
The Team with some from Shankill assembly

This is one of if not the last day for updates from TnT Ireland.

Today, after devotions the team spent most of the day at Glen Maris helping with odd tasks. The girls spent their time helping in the office while the guys assembled a grill for the church's use. After lunch with a few of the local believers, the team prepared for kid's club this afternoon.
The kid's club was attended by 5 kids who all seemed to enjoy themselves. The team played some games, sang some songs and then explained the wordless book; asking questions and giving prizes. The kids were presented with the gospel, which was the most important part. 

Afterward the team returned and helped set up for the farewell banquet that the church is holding. Frank and Matt outdid themselves making a delicious meal of roast beef with potatoes and veg. Fellowship over the meal was nice, while the good-byes afterward were sad. Tomorrow Ben, Jen, and Bethany will head to the airport to fly home, while Nathan and Kassi will be taking a bus to Newcastle West to help with outreach at the Cork Agricultural Fair this weekend

Please pray for safety as the team travels home, and to Newcastle West. Please pray for everyone that has been contacted and talked to this week. Pray for the Shankill assembly as they will head back to Dublin on Sunday to hand out Mass books at the end of the Eucharistic conference. 

TnT Team

Wednesday update

Greetings from Shankill,
Today the team finished delivering the 4you magazines in the morning. We were blessed to have Sheelagh drive the team around, and work with the team to deliver the magazines.  After lunch the team headed out and did doors. Most people who opened their doors were not very responsive today. Kassi and Regina talked to a man named Michael, who is going through a hard time in his life but is considering coming to Shankill Bible Church for the gospel meeting on Sunday morning.  Please pray for Michael, that the Spirit will guide him and work in his life. In the evening there was a prayer meeting at Shankill Bible Church. Nathan, Kassi and Bethany each had an opportunity to share about what made them come to Ireland, what they liked about Ireland, what they didn’t like, what they have learned so far, and what they will implement when they get back home. After the 3 members shared, Frank shared a small devotional from John 3:16.
Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for us, as we have one more day left as a team. Pray for that it will not rain tomorrow, as we host Kids Club.   
Whole team assembled ready for action

Team members teaching "our God is so BIG"

Openair preaching in Dwabeng which attracted many
Beloved Brethren,
Firstly, thank you all for your prayers, they are of inestimable value to us as we labour in the gospel here in Ghana. Our day today went well, and as a bonus it was also less hot than usual. After spending time in the morning in fellowship, singing, prayer, and Bible study (in Acts), we had a Ghanaian dish for lunch, called peanut soup. This soup has peanuts, tomatoes, and chicken in it, and in spite of sounding like a rather odd assortment of flavours, actually tasted quite good. After lunch we all piled onto the bus (which thankfully has air conditioning), and headed to Dwabeng to do some evangelism.
At Dwabeng we split up, with some of the team setting up the sketchboard and presenting the gospel to the group that had gathered, while others of us roamed the streets passing out tracts and talking to people. You could pray for us that we would have good communication with the Ghanaians. English is their second language, and so some of them speak very limited English with very heavy accents. This makes it difficult to have very comprehensive conversations with some of them. We are very thankful for our Ghanaian brethren who have sacrificed their time to come with us to translate and to evangelize alongside us. Today all of the elders from the assembly, Ofori, Emmanuel, and Shadrach, all made time to come with us. Daniel Adjei, along with three teenagers from the church, Stephen, Isaac, and Philemon joined us, and have been a great help and encouragement both yesterday and today. Pray for the Ghanaian people, many of whom are trusting in their own goodness, and in their works for their salvation, that their hearts would be open to the true gospel, and to trust in Christ alone for their salvation.
Tonight after supper we went to Crown Prince School for the Tuesday night ‘Kid’s Club’. It is really amazing that this worked out at all, because it was originally going to be cancelled because of the likelihood of rain, but we went ahead with it, and prayed and God held the rain off for the Kid’s Club. We sang with the children, who were very enthusiastic, and shared the gospel via a puppet show and a sketchboard presentation. We handed out little gifts at the end, and the children are all bringing friends next week, so pray for open hearts and understanding of the gospel message.
There is much more I could say, but we are leaving early tomorrow to go to a school, so I must leave off typing now. Continue steadfastly in prayer for us, and for Ghana itself. There are so many people here who are willing to talk about the gospel, and so many opportunities to share Christ with the people. Pray the Lord of the harvest will send out labourers into this field. I am reminded, in the midst of our schedule of evangelism, of the infinite beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the enduring power of the “glorious gospel of the blessed God”. I am amazed at the counsels of God in Christ, to craft a plan so marvelous as the gospel, that so exceedingly glorifies God, and so wonderfully meets the creature’s deepest need. It is simple enough for a child to grasp, and so deep that a lifetime is not sufficient to marvel in it. We can only wonder at God’s unbounded goodness, and thank Him for His eternal love in Jesus Christ. May it claim our heart more fully, that we shall always be witnesses of Him, whether at home, or to the ends of the earth, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Hallelujah, what a Saviour! Good night, dear brethren.