Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Team Waterford

Kevin Woytowich, leader
Katy Woytowich, assistant leader
Art Cavenagh, driver
Sarah Von Bergen
Amy Dial
Josiah Hartley
Ashleigh Wilson
Ashley Hotel

At long last we hear from the Waterford folks. Here's their post:

Hey everyone, greetings and God bless! This paragraph is a collection of events from Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

So, journeying back to Thursday evening, we received our team groupings. Friday afternoon after lunch we left the house in Greystones, located in Wicklow, Ireland. We drove the three to fours hours and after a quick meal at the new house we relaxed and had a Bible study with David Wilson and his family who are full-time missionaries in Ireland.

Saturday started with devotional time like it will every day from now on, we started litter boxing (putting magazines in people’s post boxes), and got rained out. We had lunch and luckily the sun came out. Kevin led the team into Waterford’s City Centre and we set up signs and started walking around talking to people and preaching the gospel.

Sarah and Amy got a huge crowd of young people and shared the gospel with them for at least an hour. Halfway through, a man was picking on Sarah for a bit, but the great thing about the people of Ireland is that the people will always vote for the underdog. After the man walked away, they really started to listen to what Sarah was telling them. Josiah and Ashleigh had a long conversation with a couple and then a man.

Catherine Watterson, a Christian from Northern Ireland and Ashley Hotel got to speak to an older man who has practiced other religions before and is now looking for the truth. He asked if someone could come and visit him soon for a follow-up. We ask that you continually pray for these people as none of them know the Lord and are searching for something. Pray that the Lord provides the truth for them so they can join the Waterford Christian Assembly, or another chapel. Thanks for your prayers! God Bless!!

Sunday was a very busy day for the Waterford team. We attended the Waterford Christian Assembly and Sarah, Amy, Ashley, and Ashleigh taught the Sunday school class. Olivia joined the class and played the games and singing. After the lunch meeting we had a bit of quiet prayer time and then we had the assembly over for a time of fellowship. It was really fun meeting with all the different people, and hearing the different testimonies and how the Lord has worked in each of our lives.

Well another busy day, as they all should be doing the Lord's work! We started our actual schedule and have it down to devotions in the morning, then breakfast. After breakfast we letterbox (put magazines/pamphlets into residents mail boxes) until lunch, and then after lunch we either go door-to-door and tell everyone of the gospel, or we go and do open-air evangelism. So the teams for the door-to-door work were Sarah and Art; Kevin and Ashleigh; Ashley and Wayne (member of the assembly in Waterford); Amy and David; and Josiah and Catherine. It wasn't a very successful day and a lot of doors were shut to the members. Please continually pray for the people over here who do not believe in the Lord or believe something else. They need the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives!

Today was a good day. A lot of ground is being covered with the letterboxing and it seems like the Lord is providing more open doors. Going door-to-door the other day was pretty sad and you could almost feel the darkness, but today the sun was out and the Lord was opening new lives to us. Art and Ashley found a couple of women who did not own a Bible, but asked for a copy. We gave one a New Testament and the other the Gospel of John. Even better the one women is willing to call members of the assembly to ask questions about the gospel after she is finished reading it. Please pray for her and the other people that were met by team members and ask the Lord to continue to work in their lives.

After dinner, the rest of the team letterboxed and there will be rough estimates of how many magazines and New Testaments have been given out in the past few days! Thanks to all! God Bless!

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