Saturday, June 5, 2010

S.B.C meetings + Downtown excursion

Resuming the weekend retreat, the team joined with assembly members at Shanganagh Bible Church this morning for a 'full' Irish breakfast complete with authentic blood pudding. After a time of fellowship, Jim Van Dine continued his thought provoking study in the book of Romans, covering the first part of chapter 6.

A light lunch of soup and sandwiches followed, after which the team (along with a few of the assembly members) disembarked to the Dublin downtown core, in the hopes of joining up with Vincent for some street evangelism. An unexpected change of plans found ourselves walking to the Chester Beatty museum instead, where the world's largest manuscript collection of the Pauline epistles are found on display (dating back to around 100 AD). On the way the team was able to strike up a number of conversations in the hustle and bustle of downtown, and a number of tracts were also distributed to passers by.

After our visit to the museum, and a stroll through Trinity College campus, the team headed back to the church building for supper, after which another 100 leaflets promoting the Kid's Club were distributed to the neighborhood immediately surrounding the church.

Jim ended off the day with another session in Romans, covering the rest of Chapter 6.

God be thanked, another member was added to the TNT team, Yvette, who arrived this morning, safe and sound, and has already been out on our excursions. She has an eager spirit and is a valuable addition to the team!

Your prayers would be appreciated as, God willing, the Kid's club will be starting up on Monday, and will go for an hour every afternoon till Friday. 600 leaflets were delivered to the Shankill area, so a fair turnout is expected. Also remember the residents to whose doors we will be knocking in the days to come, following up on the 4you magazines that were put out Friday afternoon. Pray that hearts would be prepared, and that there would be those that are ready to be engaged in conversations of a spiritual nature.

-Josh George

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