Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday May 30th

Today we distributed magazines and invitations to the gospel meeting in the morning. For the afternoon we went out on the doors which seemed a bit daunting at first because we haven't done it for a few days now and most on the team still feel a bit inesperienced (we could use some prayer for that- that God will give us boldness and the words to say to get good conversations going). A lot of us had quite a few discouraging interatctins with people who say "no thanks, we're catlic and we're happy with what we have, bye." or who challenge us and ask what we think we're doing showing up at their doors. But the neat thing is that there were some very open doors that we got along the way too :]

Some people who had great conversations and heard the gospel were Louise, Amy, Claire, 2 lesbien girls, Carl, Mary, and a handful of others. There were quite a few people who said that they would come to the gospel meeting on Sunday night. Carl is 30 has 6 months left to live and has decided he doesn't want God and will take the consiquences but his heart was touched and David said that we would pray for him. Mary had her 2 young children and dispite the distractions, listened very well for a good while and received some tracts and a CD "the uniqueness of Christianity." Louise also had a young girl with her and was against religion and a bit negetive at first but was greatly impacted by the gospel and hearing Heidi's testamony and talked for a long time. The two lesbien girls were very strong in their view of religion and God but were greatly challenged and could see the truth of what Heidi and Katie were saying about the Bible and by the end of the conversation promised that they would check out the books of John and Romans to see if they were right or wrong about the Bible.

Tim and Trinity's conversation with Claire would be the most encouraging of the whole day. As they first began talking they were invited in from the rain to have some tea and they stayed for at least two hours explaining the gospel. Tim says, "If it could be a scale of 0-5, 0 never hearing the gospel and 5 getting saved Claire would be a 4.9 as she listened intently for two hours. She said she wanted to get close to God and she wondered how she could get close to God and they went into the whole process of how she could know God and receive salvation."

It is exciting to see everyone learn about working as a team for evangelism. Over all, it was an encouraging day because there were some who heard the gospel and were responsive to it's truth. We would ask for continued prayers for strength. Each tough conversation and each good one leaves us a bit warn out.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Team,
    Thanks for the good updates! Please be assured that you are being prayed for.
    Over the weekend I saw Joan Plimpton, whom many of you will know, at the missions conference at Emmaus, and showed her the team blog. Other TNT "alumni" at the conf. (that I knew) were Brian Aggett, Kevin Bibelhausen, and Victor Zaki - and I saw Jim Van Dine as I was leaving Sun. AM. I think we all wish we were with you in Ireland -- and in our hearts and prayers, we certainly are. God bless. (Brian Kramer, MN)
