Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday morning we gathered with the saints at Newcastle West Bible Fellowship to remember the Lord. Linda, Jerry and Bethany helped in the Sunday School, while the kids listened intently. Nathan and Ben had the opportunity to speak in the Family Bible Hour. They both themed their messages around Genesis 22: 1-13.

After the Family Bible Hour the team enjoyed a fellowship lunch with the rest of the believers of Newcastle West Bible Fellowship. After lunch, the team headed out to Broadford, Ashford, and a couple of tiny villages to distribute 4you Ireland magazines. Along the way between Broadford and Ashford the team stopped at a mass rock and a bog. A mass rock is a holy place for the Catholics. During the late 1700s, the ruling body at the time said it was illegal to perform a mass. Devote Catholics would meet at the rock in secret, to have mass- hence the name mass rock. Tim had the opportunity to witness to a gentleman who was passing by. He told Tim that a priest had been assassinated at the mass rock for performing the wedding of a protestant and a catholic.

After the distribution of more magazines, the team headed over to Andrew Shanks house for supper, a time of singing and prayer.         

Working because we love the Lord!
Tnt teams


  1. So glad to hear all is going so well!!! Thanking God for all the opportunities He has provided to share the great good news!! And thanking Him for such beautiful weather - praying it continues!! :) What a blessing to know our Kassi is able to be there with a great team, sharing the love of Jesus with the lost! It's a real blessing to us to be praying for you all and we're always thrilled to read the blog and get updates!! May you all be amazingly blessed as you continue serving our great God!! :)

  2. We echo Carol's comments with a hearty AMEN (though we would tend to put Nathan's name in place of Kassi's...though we are glad, too, that Kassi and the rest of the team can be there).

  3. It's great to have the team with us. Apart from all the hard work they have brought good weather with them! As well as Newcastle West there have been many small villages and rural areas covered with the 4you magazines. As always the team is appreciated.
