Friday, June 15, 2012

Preaching to over 1000

Preaching to over a 1000 students
Student body gathered to hear the gospel for over 1 hour standing

10 Commandment coin given out to primary students

JJ preaching to about 400 to 500 students

On the bus going to the schools
Lisa sharing her testimony with over 1000 students

Linda sharing the gospel with the wordless book to over 300 students

Linda sharing the gospel with wordless book

Esther with a friend from Nagie's school

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Well what can we say; we do serve an AWESOME GOD. The LORD was so gracious as to give the team three opportunities this morning to present the wondrous message of the Gospel at two different schools: Kumasi Secondary Technical School, and Nagie’s Angels Junior High. At Kumasi Secondary Technical School the choir sang some songs including two in the Twi language, which the students really enjoyed. Lisa shared with the students how her life has been changed by the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and Tim preached with the paint-board a message about FAITH in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. There was more than 1000 students that heard the message of salvation. When the team was finished one of the teachers asked Tim to have an altar call. Instead of having an alter call Tim decided to explain the gospel clearly once again to the students. The School was really happy to have the team there.
At Nagie’s Angels Junior High the team split into two groups. The older children heard Caleb share his testimony, and JJ shared a GOSPEL message using the paint-board to about 400 students. In the younger class there were about 300 students that also heard the GOSPEL through the Wordless book. Linda, Esther and Jerry did a puppet show to teach a lesson about showing respect to others. One of the teachers after asked Linda more about the Wordless book, taking notes to learn how to use this tool for sharing the gospel. The students all listened carefully to the messages presented, and it has been great  to see the Lord’s amazing work here in Ghana.
This afternoon there was some open air done, and more tract distribution. Many people heard the GOSPEL through the preaching. We can be praising our SAVIOUR because we heard of a young man (Daniel) placing his trust in the LORD as his savior. Pray that this young man will grow in the LORD, and rest his FAITH in the LORD JESUS CHRIST alone. During the afternoon Caleb and Francis (a local believer) talked with a few Muslims for a while. Please pray that the TRUTH would be manifested in these individuals. Jerry also shared the gospel using the rope trick with some kids. Please pray for those who were contacted today, or given some literature, that they would come to know the LORD JESUS CHRIST as their personal Saviour.
This evening the team enjoyed fellowship with the young people who attend the youth group. It was a really fun and encouraging time as we had some sword drills. Heidi shared how her life had been changed by the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and we played some games, and had a little birthday celebration for Theresah, a young lady from the church here.
Please keep the work here in your prayers, because without prayer our work is nothing. We need to be looking to the LORD for strength, boldness, courage, and wisdom as we go about preaching the GLORIOUS message of the GOSPEL.
Romans 10:14-15 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

1 comment:

  1. Many indeed are praying. What a blessing to know of fruit! It is the Lord's doing, Praise Him! May the Lord continue to use weak vessels that are trusting in Him. Prayerfully, ken
